What exactly is it that makes working at Dr. Schär so special? It's the combination of what we do as a company and what every single employee contributes on a daily basis. For this reason, it is crucial to find the right people.

Dr. Schär has become family to me not only through it’s products, but also through values, feelings and emotions.
We are the employer of choice for innovative, collaborative and courageous people with a global mindset. Capable and creative people who seek a workplace where they feel free to unlock their full potential. People who seek an inclusive, multicultural work environment that promotes equality and where effective relationships are expressed, at every level, allowing people the freedom to speak and express their views.
A workplace that adapts quickly to the changes demanded by an ever-changing environment.
That promotes behaviours that protect our colleagues and our planet.
That provides opportunities for learning so that its employees feel free to pursue their own professional growth path.
We are a global community that releases positive energy and plans for the future.