Reduce the CO2 footprint

  1. Dr. Schär
  2. Reduce the CO2 footprint

Reduce the CO2 footprint


The integration of renewable energy sources and efficient process optimisation in plants and logistics are crucial to reducing CO2 emissions and contributing to protecting the climate. In order to reduce our emissions, Dr. Schär is implementing energy savings wherever possible and supplementing our conventional energy supply with lower-polluting, more environmentally friendly sources. We monitor technological developments and consider both energy efficiency and environmental criteria when planning and procuring new equipment and maintaining existing systems.


Some concrete measures that have already been implemented at Dr. Schär:

  • We already use green electricity wherever possible in our plants and facilities. In Italy alone, we saved almost 7,000 tons of CO2 in 2022 through the use of green electricity.

  • All electricity for the plants in Italy is sourced 100% as certified clean energy from renewable sources. We are now pursuing this path at other locations as well.

  • We use groundwater for cooling at our production site in Borgo Valsugana and in our offices in Postal, Italy – after which it is conveyed back into the ground.

  • At our headquarters, we use heat from air compressors and vacuum pumps to heat the offices.

  • Some of our plants have air handling units with integrated heat recovery systems.

  • Green roofs have a cooling effect and thus help to save energy. At the same time, they enhance biodiversity and reduce the loss of rainwater.

  • In logistics, we plan to increasingly relying on transport by train and working together with customers and partners on a sustainable logistics process.